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What is covered by the warranty?

The warranty at TradingShenzhen covers all ordered devices, such as mobile phones or tablets, which do not function properly within one year without the customer's intervention. This also applies to items that arrive defective at the customer.

Excluded from the warranty are accessories such as batteries, charging adapters, USB cables, headphones, SD cards, covers, foils etc. as well as all free accessories that are included in the package as a promo.

For failure and damage caused by external influences, accidental damage, changes made to the device, conversions, extensions, use of foreign parts, neglect, viruses or software errors, improper transport, improper packaging or loss when returning the device to TradingShenzhen, TradingShenzhen does not assume any warranty.

The warranty is void if the fault in the device is due to maintenance or repairs performed by someone other than the official manufacturer of the device or TradingShenzhen. The warranty is also void if any labels or serial numbers of the unit or any component of the unit have been altered or made illegible.

The warranty is also void if any labels or serial numbers of the unit or any component of the unit have been altered or made illegible.

If the repair should turn out to be a defect not covered by the warranty, TradingShenzhen reserves the right to charge the customer for the costs incurred in the form of a handling fee and the cost of repair for material and labor.

Not included in the warranty are errors caused by software updates of the manufacturer. If functions are restricted by this, this is not a reason for a warranty service. Also not included by warranty are water damages, they are never protected by any company. Not Xiaomi, Oppo, Samsung or even Apple.

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